What We Do
Protect. Educate. Empower.
ASAH’s mission is to Protect, Educate, and Empower orphaned girls from the Republic of South Sudan through primary school, secondary school, and beyond. ASAH Protects our students from forced and early marriage, from disease through vaccinations and medical care, and now, from the civil war. ASAH Educates our students in school subjects and practical life skills to prepare them to support themselves and their families in the future. ASAH Empowers our students to be leaders and to give back to their communities that they may help their troubled nation establish and maintain peace for all.
ASAH’s Uganda Program
After the civil war in South Sudan forced evacuation of the ASAH Boarding School for Orphaned Girls in Duk Payuel, Jonglei State in February 2014, ASAH relocated to northern Uganda. We rented a compound to board our students. In January of 2017, when the refugee population on the border numbered in the hundreds of thousands, overwhelming the ability of the district to provide power and water, we moved to St. Noa Junior and Senior Boarding School near Kampala, Uganda’s capitol. This new school offers a higher quality education than has been available to us in the past.
ASAH is not an orphanage. Even now, in Uganda, we transport the ASAH girls to visit their extended families at the year-end break to enable them to retain ties with their communities.
IMAGINE what it means to feel safe and protected. IMAGINE what it would be like to have hope for a better future. IMAGINE the impact these educated women will have in their villages, their state, and their country, returning as teachers, doctors, nurses, politicians, pastors, computer technicians, social workers, midwives, cooks, businesswomen, journalists, and tailors. They will change the lives of those they touch, and together, they will change their world.
Your sponsorship of an ASAH student is an investment in the future in of the world’s newest, yet still-troubled nation. As ASAH works to assist each of the students in completing their schooling and charting a course to secure their futures and achieve their vocational goals, a sponsorship is of great importance. Basic sponsorships are available at $1,500/year or $125 per month. Some donors choose to share these sponsorships. A full sponsorship which covers most of the costs to support one student is $5,000.
Since its inception, student sponsorships have allowed ASAH to educate almost 50 young women, providing medical and dental care, food, clothing and—most importantly—role models, mentors, and caring staff to guide these girls into adulthood.
We welcome your sponsorship. Contact us for more information, or go to our donate page and choose sponsorship. Various payment plans are available.
Board of Directors/Staff
Deb Dawson Founder/President Emeritus
Gina Sandgren President
Doug Anderson Vice President
Cindy Phillips Treasurer
John Baird Secretary
Ron Saeger Kenya Kids/Board Member
Dau-Mareng John Awuou Program Manager/Ugandan Staff
Daniel Mengistu Makuei Chol Assistant Program Manager/Ugandan Staff
Paul Fields Honorary Member